When It Rains It Pours
Echoes of Ascension
Death Falls Silent, As Butterfly Wings
Heaven to come
Nueva Vida
Thirteen day ritual
Walking the Earth
Sagrado Alimento
Navigating the seas of life
When It Rains It Pours
When It Rains It Pours

Oil on linen, 80” x 64” x 2”, 04.2024


Oil on linen, 36” x 48”, 12.2023-01.2024

Echoes of Ascension
Echoes of Ascension

Oil on linen, 80” x 64” x 2”, 03.2024

Death Falls Silent, As Butterfly Wings
Death Falls Silent, As Butterfly Wings

Oil on linen, 66" x 66" x 1", 02.2024

Heaven to come
Heaven to come

Oil on linen, 36” x 40” 12.2023-01.2024

Nueva Vida
Nueva Vida

Oil on linen, 66” x 66”, 02.2024

Thirteen day ritual
Thirteen day ritual

Oil on linen 53” x 64” x 2”

Walking the Earth
Walking the Earth

Oil on canvas, 18” x 24”, 01.2024

Sagrado Alimento
Sagrado Alimento

Oil on linen, 72” X 48”, 2024

Navigating the seas of life
Navigating the seas of life

Oil on linen, 60” x 48”, 01/2024